Al-Ihsan Academy
Al-Ihsan Academy PROGRAMMES
Al-Ihsan Academy
Based in premises of Madani Girls School
Saturday & Sunday
9am to 5pm
020 7426 0911
Al-Ihsan Academy
Learning and Discipline
Asalamu alaikum! Welcome to Al-Ihsan Academy.
It is our aim to provide an Islamic, safe and structured learning environment for children. We want to create an environment where learning is fun and effective.
It is our hope that with your support and involvement in your child’s education, as well as our commitment from teachers and staff, we can provide an Islamic atmosphere for the children to grow in knowledge.
Home-School Agreement
Students and teachers are in the school for one basic purpose: to teach and learn in an Islamic environment.
Parents are expected to bring their children to school on time and pick them up promptly at the end of classes. It is the responsibility of the parents to make arrangements to transport their children to and from the school. No student will be allowed to leave the premises on their own or early, unless arranged by parent in person.
To learn effectively each student is expected to:
- Come to classes regularly and on time.
- Come to the class prepared with books, relevant learning materials and completed homework.
- Be attentive in class and not make disruptive noise or gestures.
- Ask for permission to leave their seats and not leave without permission.
- Treat others and the property of others with respect.
The school expects the involvement and cooperation of the parents in the learning and discipline of their child.
All students are expected to dress modestly and apply the Islamic dress code. Boys are not expected to come wear shorts above the knee, while the girls are expected to cover their heads all the time during school.
About Discipline
Al-Ihsan Academy expects its students and teachers to live up to high standards. We will not tolerate bad or inappropriate behaviour from anybody and we reserve the right to discipline such behaviours or to expel students who display such behaviours consistently, without regards to anybody else.
Al-Ihsan Academy will also recognise the good behaviour and positive actions of students. Good behaviour will be noted by verbal praises, award of certificates and positive feedback to parents.
Rules of Behaviour
General Rules
1. We respect each other's safety, taking no action that might endanger ourselves or others.
2. We respect each other’s right to learn, minimizing disturbances to help others realize their full potential.
3. We respect each other’s ideas by listening and avoiding insults.
4. We respect each other's property: we return the borrowed items, replace the broken, and clean the untidy.
5. We avoid immoral behaviour because our thoughts and actions reflect our character.
6. We show integrity by refusing to cheat.
7. We are punctual in class because we value time and learning.
Dress Code Guidelines
All students and staff are required to dress modestly and in accordance with Islamic guidelines. Students who are not in compliance with the dress code will be deemed to be in violation of Al-Ihsan Academy rules of behaviour.
Parents are encouraged to assist their children by providing the appropriate clothing that fit the dress code.
Disciplinary Procedures
The following penalties will be applied in the order indicated for breaking any rules mentioned above:
1. A Verbal Warning from a teacher or administrator.
2. Second warning is trip to office to meet with the Principal
3. A meeting with their parents.
4. Suspension from our classes.
5. Expulsion from all of our classes.
For any complaint or concern, or if there is any suggestion, you can express it verbally to the class teachers or the Co-ordinator. You can also speak or write to the Co-ordinator directly if you felt your complaint or concern was not resolved through the initial contact.
The complaints procedure at Al-Ihsan Academy is a three-stage process. The complaints will be resolved within a 28 day period from the date of the initial complaint made at stage 1.
Stage One – Informal Stage
When you make a complaint or raise a concern, either verbally or in writing, we will do our best to resolve it promptly.
If the matter requires some investigation, we will respond to you within 7 days by a phone call.
If you are not satisfied with the initial resolution, you may make a formal complaint in writing to the Co-ordinator.
Stage Two – Formal Stage
If you wished make a formal complaint, it must be made in writing, outlining the grievance. The letter should be addressed for the attention of the Co-ordinator and be handed in person or emailed to:
The Co-ordinator will undertake a formal investigation and respond to you within 15 days from the date of initial complaint. The Co-ordinator will respond to you in form of a written letter, explaining his decision.
Stage Three – Panel Stage
If you are not satisfied with the decision in stage 2, you may request a panel hearing, in writing, to investigate the complaint. Al-Ihsan Academy will arrange a meeting with you and Al-Ihsan Academy the Management Board to hear your complaint or concern.
At the Panel stage meeting, you will have the opportunity to put forward your complaint face-to-face to Al-Ihsan Academy management. The panel will write to you with their decisions.
The decision made at the end of Panel Stage will be considered the final decision of Al-Ihsan Academy.
Stage three will be concluded within 28 days from the date of initial complaint at Stage one.
Written records will be kept of all complaints and their outcomes.
All correspondence, statements and records of complaints will be kept confidential. However, they may be shown to the relevant authorities upon request.
The student(s) in question may attend any meeting with a guardian with prior notice.